Here you can find different sorts of work that left our bench.

Heightened paper inlays on both boards
20 Poëmes of war
Binding with Spine in orange goatleather and exposed sewing on black fishleather straps
Reste la Terre
Visible binding on a wooden back with both boards covered in goatleather
Feuille à Feuille
The boards are decored with bordeaux boxcalf and veneer, where a leaf of chalkpaper is loosely shoved in
Anonieme studies
Miniature binding
Water Lane
One-section put on a meeting guard and built to a Bradelbinding with a 1-mm joint.
A collage of paper “ton sur ton” is used as an onlay on the outside and inside of the boards. The paper is coloured with airbrush.
Ciel blue
Different ways of working with collages on a paper binding
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